Descendants of Christian Christensen Lange


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44. Frederik Wilhelem Holtzendorf Lange

The information on this sheet was take from an Archive in Vejle,Denmark by Lois Price in 1991. It listed Frederick Lange 38,Furfline Pederson- 30, Maren - 9, Teder - 5, Johan - 4, Tidfel- 1. Also christian Lange - 71 and Maren Fredriksdatter - 66as living at the same address. We found the house and took apicture of it.Otto's Manuscript shows the first wife Johanne had 2 childrenand the second wife Else had 7 children.His notes show Tidfel as Cicel.

Johanne Jacobsdatter

Johanne was found on the cencus. The date is out but both herparents names are correct. Have included both.Daughter of Johanne Jacobsdatter

49. Johan Holtzendorff Lange

Full name - Johanne Christiansson Holtzendorff Lange